Government Support

There are a number of funding options available for people with Albinism with a vision acuity of greater than 6/18 or legally blind. Please note funding available will differ from person to person depending on your individual circumstances.  Theses funding options listed are a guide to provide a starting point to explore your options for yourself and / or your child.

Centrelink – Carer Allowance

The Carer Allowance provides a fortnightly payment of $124.70 and a Health Care Card.  The Health Care Card can be particularity valuable for GP, Specialist appointments and prescription medication.

National Disability Insurance Scheme

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the new way of providing support for Australians with disability, their families and carers.

The NDIS will provide about 460,000 Australians under the age of 65 with a permanent and significant disability with the reasonable and necessary supports they need to live an ordinary life.

As an insurance scheme, the NDIS takes a lifetime approach, investing in people with disability early to improve their outcomes later in life.

The NDIS gives all Australians peace of mind that if their child or loved one is born with or acquires a permanent and significant disability they will get the support they need.

Currently the NDIS is being rolled out Australia wide – check your area to see if this service is available.


Children with an eligible diagnosis must register for Better Start before they turn 6 years old. A child will have until they turn 7 to access funding.

Children registered with Better Start can access up to $12,000 (maximum $6,000 per year) to pay for early intervention services. These services include:

  • audiology
  • occupational therapy
  • orthoptics
  • physiotherapy
  • psychology and
  • speech pathology

Families living in outer regional or remote areas may be eligible for an additional one-off payment of $2,000.

Betterstart is only available in areas where the NDIS has not been rolled out.  If you are unsure contact Betterstart for clarification.

Companion Card

The National Companion Card Scheme brings together State and Territory Companion Card programs that enable eligible people with lifelong disability to participate at venues and activities without incurring the cost of a second ticket for their companion.

The cardholder presents their card at participating affiliate organisations to purchase a ticket or pay an entry fee and receive a ticket for their companion at no extra charge.

Vision Impaired Travel Pass

The Vision Impaired Travel Pass is for people who are legally blind and are permanent residents of Victoria, NSW, or Queensland and entitles you to free public transport travel.

NSW – RailCorp Passes and Concessions 02 9379 4441

Queensland – Vision Impairment Travel Pass Hotline 1300 134 755

Victoria – Public Transport Victoria Hub on 1800 800 007

Taxi Subsidy Scheme

Most states have a taxi subsidy scheme to that allows people with a severe and permanent disability that can’t use public transport, to use taxis at a discount rate.

ACT Taxi Subsidy Scheme
02 6205 1108

NSW Taxi Transport Subsidy Scheme
02 8202 2200

Queensland Taxi Subsidy Scheme
1300 134 755

Victorian Taxi Directorate
03 9320 4360 or 1800 638 802