
The Albinism Fellowship of Australia is a volunteer run organisation, unfortunately we don’t receive any Government funding and therefore we rely on donations and sponsorship to help with the ongoing and everyday costs of our Fellowship.

Some of these costs include:

  • Parent Packs for our parents of newly diagnosed children
  • Sponsorship for our members to attend AFA conferences and organised events
  • Design and printing of collateral and brochures
  • Website costs
  • Registration fees for AFA to exhibit at conferences and events
  • AFA phone number
  • AFA member events
  • Costs involved in retaining our charity status and registration.

Please give now to make a real difference to Albinism in Australia – your support is vital.

Member Renewal

Our AFA membership renewal cycle runs from July to June the following year. Membership renewals are due by 1st July each year. If you would like to continue to receive our electronic news and take advantage of substantial discounts at our conferences and local events, we strongly encourage you to renew your membership.

You can now renew for 10 years or take out a life membership so you won’t miss out! These options represent significant financial savings too.

The AFA is a not for profit organisation run wholly by unpaid volunteers, with no recurrent government support. Membership renewals help to cover essential costs of our charity such as website, 1300 number, state based gatherings and the biennial conference. We strongly encourage you to renew your membership or to support the association.

If you are a current member with membership up to date, we thank you for your ongoing support. If you are unsure of your membership status, please email

New Member

Our AFA membership renewal cycle runs from July to June the following year. Membership renewals are due in July each year. If you would like to have access to member resources on this site, receive our electronic news and take advantage of substantial discounts at our conferences and events, we strongly encourage you to join the AFA.

You can now register for 10 years or take out a life membership so you won’t miss out! These options represent significant financial savings too.

The AFA is a not for profit organisation run wholly by unpaid volunteers, with no recurrent government support. Membership renewals help to cover essential costs of our charity such as website, 1300 number, state based gatherings and the biennial conference. We strongly encourage you to renew your membership or to support the association.